COVID-19 Policy

Protect Yourself with Healthy Habits

Healthy habits prevent germs and infectious diseases from spreading. Learn, practice, and teach healthy habits

#1 Handle & Prepare Food Safely

Food can carry germs. Wash hands, utensils, and surfaces often when preparing any food, especially raw meat. Always wash fruits and vegetables. Cook and keep foods at proper temperatures. Don’t leave food out – refrigerate promptly.

#2 Wash Hands Often

Wash hands before and after eating, preparing food, playing outside. Wash after using the bathroom. Wash before and after playing in water, sand, finger paints, and playdoh. Wash after sneezing or coughing into your hands.

#3 Clean & Disinfect Commonly Used Surfaces

Germs can live on surfaces. Cleaning with soap and water is usually enough. However, you should disinfect your bathroom and kitchen regularly. Disinfect other areas if someone in the house is ill. You can use an EPA certified disinfectant (look for the EPA registration number on the label), bleach solution, or rubbing alcohol.

#4 Cough & Sneeze into Your Sleeve

Always cover your sneeze or cough with the inside of your elbow or a tissue.

#5 Don’t Share Personal Items

Avoid sharing personal items that can’t be disinfected, like toothbrushes and razors, or sharing towels between washes. Needles should never be shared, should only be used once, and then thrown away properly

#6 Get Vaccinated

Vaccines can prevent many infectious diseases. You should get some vaccinations in childhood, some as an adult, and some for special situations like pregnancy and travel. Make sure you and your family are up to date on your vaccinations. If your regular doctor does not offer the vaccine you need, visit the Adult Immunization and Travel Clinic

#7 Avoid Touching Wild Animals

You and your pets should avoid touching wild animals which can carry germs that cause infectious diseases. If you are bitten, talk to your doctor. Make sure that your pet’s vaccinations are up to date.

#8 Stay Home When Sick

When you are ill, staying home enables you to recover, and not spread your illness to others.

Covid-19 Pandemic Policies

During these unprecedented times, it has become necessary to implement additional policies in response to Covid-19. Our policies are in line with the NJ Division of Children and Families guidelines which can be found below. It is important that you read these guidelines to acquaint yourself with them. Please know that the safety of your children and our staff is of utmost importance

Policy on Screening

All parents/guardians will indicate verbally at drop off that their child does not have a temperature or symptoms. If a parent is unable to verify this information, the center staff will screen the child. All staff will self-screen upon entrance.

Health Policy

In order to provide a safe and healthy environment for your child, your cooperation is needed and appreciated. Young children are very susceptible to colds and viruses. If your child manifests any of the following symptoms, please keep him/her home.

  • Common Cold: Children who have a combination of any of the following symptoms should be kept home until the severity of the symptoms subsides- runny nose, watery eyes, deep croupy cough, thick nasal discharge (greenish or yellowish discharge is a sign of infection). In order to return, children must be able to wipe his/her nose, wash hands & cover their mouth.
  • Fever: Temperature of over 100 degrees may be an indication of illness. Children who have fevers upon awakening in the morning or who may have had a fever during the night should not come to our center. Children should be fever free for at least 24 hours before returning.
  • Diarrhea: Children are not to come to our center if they have diarrhea. The child’s physicians should be consulted if the diarrhea persists. Should diarrhea occur at our center, the parent will be notified and requested to pick up their child. A child should be free of diarrhea for 24hrs. before returning to our center.
  • Vomiting: Children are not to come to our center if they are experiencing vomiting. Whenever a child has the combination of vomiting and diarrhea, a physician should be consulted. Your child should be keeping foods/liquids down for 24 hrs. Before returning to our center.
  • Conjunctivitis (pink eye): Sometimes whites of the eyes are, eyelids are red and irritated, and sometimes the lids and lashes are crusted. This is a common, contagious condition that clears up easily with medication for 24 hrs. A note from the doctor will be required for readmittance into our center.
  • Impetigo: Sores, some with crusts or scabs usually on the face around the nose and mouth. This contagious condition requires medication. The child must be treated by a physician and will require a doctor’s note stating he/she is no longer contagious upon return to our center. All lesions should be completely gone before returning to our center.
  • Ringworm: Ringworm of the scalp and/or body requires treatment by a physician and requires a doctor’s note stating the child is under treatment and may return to our center. Children will not be admitted back until a doctor’s note is received.
  • New Medication: Keep your child at home for first 24 hrs, in case he/she has an allergic reaction.

If your child gets sick at school, we will contact you immediately and you will be required to pick up your child within 1 hour of notification.

To ensure the health of all the children at our school please notify us immediately if your child comes in contact with a contagious condition (i.e. Chicken Pox) so that we can post a notice for the other parents

A doctor’s note will be required when your child returns to our center after an illness. If upon your child’s return he/she requires a prescription or over-the-counter medication (i.e. Tylenol) a doctor’s note stating the name of the medication and the dose is necessary. Please be considerate and remember; an extra day home will help your child recuperate faster. Prevention is the key to staying healthy.

Policy on the Management of Communicable Disease

If your child exhibits any of the following symptoms, he/she must not attend school. If such symptoms occur at school, your child will be separated from the rest of the children, and you will be called to take him/her home.

  • Severe pain or discomfort
  • Acute diarrhea
  • Two or more episodes of acute vomiting within a period of 24 hrs
  • Elevated oral temperature of 101.5 degrees Fahrenheit
  • Sore throat or severe coughing
  • Yellow eyes or jaundice skin
  • Red eyes with discharge
  • Infected untreated skin patches
  • Difficult or rapid breathing
  • Skin rashes lasting longer than 24hrs.
  • Swollen joints
  • Visibly enlarged lymph nodes
  • Stiff neck
  • Blood in urine
  • Lethargy
  • Shingles

Once your child is symptom free, or has a physician’s note stating that he/she no longer poses a serious health risk to themselves or others, he/she may return to the center.

If your child contracts any of the diseases, as specified in the table below, please report it to us immediately. Your child WILL NOT be allowed to return to our center without a doctor’s note stating that your child presents no risk to himself/herself or others.

Respiratory IllnessGastrointestinal Illnesses
Chicken PoxGiardia Lambia*
German MeaslesHepatitis A*
Hemophilus influenzae*Salmonella*
Mumps*Contact Illness
Strep ThroatImpetigo
Whooping CoughScabies

*Reportable diseases, as specified in The Manual of Requirements for Child Care Centers (N.J.A.C. 10:122-7 10a).

If your child is exposed to any communicable disease at our center, you will be notified in writing.

Policy on the Administration and Control of Prescription and Non-prescription medicines and Health Care Procedures

Oceanport Childcare and Preschool will administer both prescription and non-prescription medication and health care procedures to children with short-term illnesses. In addition we shall provide reasonable accommodations for the administration of medication or health care procedures to a child with special needs, if failure to administer the medication or health care procedure would jeopardize the health of the child or prevent the child from attending the center.

Medication and health procedures shall be administered only after the written approval from the child’s parent(s).

Felicia Slattery is authorized to administer medication or health care procedures to children’s whose parents authorize it. Felicia should be informed of each child’s medication and health care needs.

All medication will be kept in a cabinet inaccessible to the children. All medication is to be kept in it’s original container, and medication that needs to be refrigerated will be so if indicated on the label. Unused or expired medication and health care equipment shall be returned to the child’s parent when no longer being administered.

All prescription medication shall be prescribed in the name of and specifically for the child and stored in it’s prescription container, which has been labeled, with the child’s name, the name and expiration date of the medication, the date it was prescribed or updated and directions for administration.

We shall limit the dispensing of non-prescription over the counter medication to the following types of medicines, which shall be dispensed in accordance with the recommended dosage, age and/or weight of the child as indicated on the label: Antihistamines, Cough suppressants, Decongestants, Non-aspirin fever reducers/pain relievers and Topical preparations such as sunscreen and diaper rash preparations.

We will permit the dispensing of other non-prescription medication other than those listed above, and/or according to instructions other than those on the label if the child’s healthcare provider authorizes it in writing.

We shall maintain on file a record of the following: The child’s name and parental authorization for Oceanport Childcare and Preschool to administer medication or health care procedures, the name of the medication for which the medication or health care procedure is being used, the instructions for administration, including the dosage and frequency, the time medication or health procedure was administered to a child and the name or initials of the staff member who administered it, and any adverse effect the medication can have or has had on the child.

If a child has a chronic health condition requiring the administration of prescription or non-prescription medication or health care procedures on a long term basis, we shall obtain from the child’s parent a written statement from a health care provider indicating the child’s name, the name of the medication or procedure, the condition or indications for administration of the medication or procedure, the instructions for administration of the medication or procedure and the name and telephone number of the health care provider.

Before administering a health care procedure associated with a child’s health condition, such as the use of a blood glucose monitor, nebulizer or epinephrine pen, we shall ensure that all staff members who administer the procedure are taught to do so by the child’s parent or another appropriately trained person.

We shall inform the child’s parent immediately if a child exhibits any adverse effect of a medication or health procedure.

Toilet Training Policy

The average age for using the toilet for bowel and bladder is 28 months. Generally, daytime control is achieved between 2 and 3 years old and nighttime control between 3 and 4 years old; however, we understand that each child is an individual and develops at his/her own rate.

When you feel your child is physically ready to begin training, please inform us so we can work together to make this an easy and successful experience for your child.

Our procedure for toilet training is as follows:

  • At timed intervals during the day, your child will be put on the toilet
  • We will periodically remind your child throughout the day to use the toilet
  • Positive reinforcement (praise and encouragement) will be used continuously throughout the day

It is to be expected that accidents will occur and absolutely no anger or disapproval shall be expressed to your child. We will not scold, shame, or punish your child for accidents.

When your child expresses interest in using the toilet, that is the time to begin. Starting toilet training too soon will only end in frustration for the child and caregiver. Consistency in toilet training procedures is necessary for success. In order to make this transition as smooth as possible for your child, we need to coordinate our efforts. Help us work together by communicating the steps you’ve taken to train your child.

Discipline Policy

At Oceanport Preschool, positive discipline will be utilized. Positive discipline teaches a child what they should do rather than punishment, which only teaches fear for things done wrong. We will praise and reinforce good, and desired behaviors to teach the children what is appropriate. Positive discipline shall be consistent.

Discipline Procedure:

  1. Children will be removed from problem situations and redirected.
  2. If problems continue, Time Out will be implemented.
  3. The child will be placed in Time Out for actions that may injure themselves or others.
  4. The Time Out chair will be in full view of the staff at all times.
  5. Children are not to be left in Time Out for more than 1 minute.
  6. After Time Out, the child will be asked to apologize to any student or staff member whom they have disrespected.

According to The Manual of Requirements for Childcare Centers, 10:122-6.7, pg 62:

  • Staff members shall not use hitting, shaking or any other form of corporal punishment of children.
  • Staff members shall not use abusive language, ridicule, or harsh, humiliating or frightening treatment or any other form of emotional punishment of children.
  • Staff members shall not engage in or inflict any form of child abuse and/or neglect.
  • Staff members shall not withhold from children food, emotional responses, stimulation, or the opportunities for rest or sleep.
  • Staff members shall not require a child to remain silent or inactive for an inappropriately long period of time for the child’s age.
Policy on the Expulsion of Children

This center reserves the right to expel children who are a repeated threat or danger to themselves, other children or teachers.

The course of action is as follows: Once a child is identified as a threat, or danger to others or themselves, a parent teacher conference will be requested. If the parent disregards the meeting, or the child’s behavior does not show marked improvement for the period of two weeks after the conference, Oceanport Preschool reserves the right to expel the child.

If it is deemed necessary, the parent will be notified in writing that their child has been expelled, and they have a two-week period to provide alternate care. Beyond the two weeks, Oceanport Preschool is resolved of all further responsibility in the matter of providing care for said child.

Policy on the Release of Children

Each child at Oceanport Childcare will be released only to his/her parent(s) or person(s) authorized by their parent(s).

The person(s) authorized by the parent(s) will take the child from Oceanport Childcare and will assume responsibility for the child in an emergency if the parent(s) cannot be reached.

If a non-custodial parent has been denied access, or granted limited access, to a child by a court order, Oceanport Childcare will require documentation of this order, maintain a copy on file and comply with the terms of this order.

If the parent(s) or authorized person(s) fails to pick up his/her child at the time of our center’s daily closing, Oceanport Childcare will follow the procedures listed below:

While at our center, the child will be supervised at all times.

Staff members will continually try to contact the parent(s) or person(s) authorized by the parents.

If 1 hour or more has passed, and all arrangements for releasing the child to his/her parent(s) or authorized person(s) have failed and our staff members cannot continue to supervise the child at the center, The Division of Youth And Family Service’s 24-hour Child Abuse Hotline will be called to seek assistance in caring for the child until the parent(s) or authorized person(s) is able to pick up the child.

If the parent(s) or person(s) authorized by the parents arrives at our center and appears to be physically and/or emotionally impaired to the extent that, in our judgment, the child would be placed at risk of harm if released to such an individual, Oceanport Childcare will follow the procedures listed below:

The child will not be released to the impaired individual.

We will attempt to contact the child’s other parent or an alternative person(s) authorized by the parent(s).

If we are unable to make alternative arrangements, we will call the Division of Youth and Family Service’s 24-hour Child Abuse Hotline to seek assistance in caring for the child.

Evacuation Plan

A lot of uncertainty comes with the threat of terrorism. Being aware and having a plan is a big step toward feeling in control. It has become necessary for us to implement a detailed emergency plan for the safety of our students and staff. This plan will include emergency food and water rations for each child for 3 days in the case of lock down. It will also cover the plan for possible evacuation of the center.

In the event that it becomes imperative to evacuate your children from this site, we have made arrangements with the Oceanport Senior Citizens Building (across from the Oceanport Plaza) to accommodate us.

If however we need to leave Oceanport and the surrounding area it will be necessary to transport your children via bus or personal vehicles. This plan will only be implemented at the direction of the local or county Office of Emergency Management (OEM). It is impossible to predict exactly where we may be directed to go, depending on what the specific threat is, and where it is.

In the case of an emergency that necessitates the evacuation of Oceanport Preschool and the surrounding property, the following plan will apply:

  1. The police/fire department/OEM will be called immediately.
  2. The children will be evacuated from the building.
  3. Upon leaving the building our emergency file will be secured by the director and will accompany the children and staff.
  4. Children will wait with staff members at the end of the driveway for the police to arrive.
  5. Upon the arrival of the police, they will assist us in walking to the senior citizens building.
  6. The children’s parents/guardians will be contacted from the senior citizens building.
  7. If at any time the OEM directs us to leave Oceanport, parents will be notified immediately, and arrangements for pick up of their children will be made.
Policy on Parent Involvement

Our school has an open door policy. We encourage parents to visit at anytime during the day. We also support our parents if they would like to volunteer their time in our school. Parent involvement can include, but is not limited to: chaperoning field trips, reading stories, sharing experiences, teaching lessons, and helping with holiday parties. Grandparents, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, etc., are also welcome to share their time with us. Please talk to your child’s teacher to arrange your volunteer time. While we enjoy your help, it is not mandatory for parents to volunteer their time

Parent/Teacher meetings during the year are as follows:

  • New student and parent orientation – the last week in August.
  • Back to School Night at the end of September.
  • Parent/Teacher conferences available when child evaluations are given out in November and June.
  • Meetings can be requested by parents or teachers in addition to the above, any time there is a concern.
Policy on the Use of Television, Computers, and Other Equipment

Oceanport Preschool provides an activity focused early learning environment. We believe children learn best through active participation, hands-on experiences, interactive conversation and exploration. We follow the recommendations established by the American Academy of Pediatrics, which has found that too much television viewing has been linked to poor performance in school, overweight children, and the establishment of poor dietary habits.

As such, children at Oceanport Preschool age 2 ½ and older who are in our care for more than four hours each day television screen time is limited to 60 minutes per week and no more than 30 minutes at a time. Computer use is limited to 15 minute increments per child.

For children age 2 ½ and older who are in care less than 4 hours per day, television screen time is limited 30 minutes per week. Computer time is limited to 15 minute increments per child.

In addition, any media time will be only for educational purposes and will not be utilized during meal or snack time.